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David Ary Nathanael

Mr Integral

Grade : 12

School : SMK Farmasi Avicenna Cileungsi

Funfact : most of the trick creators in this content

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Kharris Khisunica

Mr Olimpiade

Grade : 2nd semester

College : STEI Computing at ITB

Funfact : Master of Math Olympic's

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Natanael Norimarna

Mr Infinity

Grade : 12

School : SMA Budi Mulia Bogor

Funfact : Jerome fans

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Andaru Hymawan

Mr Analis

Grade : 2nd semester

College : Informatics at UMN

Funfact : Like coding and creating video content

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Rezkihana Nur Fadhilah

Mr Matriks

Grade : 2nd semester

College : Business Statistics at ITS

Funfact : Most beautiful here

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Odie Garcia

Mr Kalkulus

Grade : 10

School : SMAK Penabur Gading Serpong

Funfact : Youngest here and like physics

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